Summer Game Time

Games, Board Games & Crafts Best for children ages 7 - 12

Nature Matters Inc – live animal presentation

Live animal presentation at the Richmond Library Nature Matters is home to a diverse collection of animals who are unable to survive in the wild. This event is sponsored by the Richmond Cultural Council.  

Richmond Reads

Join South Berkshire Kids at the Richmond Library for a storytime & craft.  This weekly parent-child program is free and open to the community.  Best for ages 2-5.

August Book Club

We will be reading and discussing "Swimmers" by Julie Otsuka

Richmond Reads

Join South Berkshire Kids at the Richmond Library for a storytime & craft.  This weekly parent-child program is free and open to the community.  Best for ages 2-5.

Film Club

The Divorcee (1930) is our September film for our film discussion.