South Berkshire Kids will facilitate a story time and craft. This parent-child program is for children birth to 6 years.
Chat and laugh while we discuss "Super Pancake" by Megan Wagner Lloyd. The library has copies for children to borrow ahead of our discussion. ( This program is recommended for children in Third - Fifth Grade.)
Animal Adventures Live animal presentation funded by The Richmond Cultural Council
South Berkshire Kids will facilitate a story time and craft. This parent-child program is for children birth to 6 years.
South Berkshire Kids will facilitate a story time and craft. This parent-child program is for children birth to 6 years.
South Berkshire Kids will facilitate a story time and craft. This parent-child program is for children birth to 6 years.
Children's summer book club We will meet to discuss "SuperCat vs. the Fry Thief" by Jeanne Willis. Copies available at the library.